Number of shareholders Number of fully paid up equity shares Number of partly paid-up equity shares Number of shares underlying outstanding depository receipts Total number of shares Shareholding as a percentage of total number of shares held by promoters and public shareholders and custodians or DR holders Number of voting rights held by same class of securities Number of voting rights held by differential voting rights Total Number of voting rights Percentage of total number of voting rights Number of shares underlying outstanding convertible securities Number of warrant Number of warrant and convertible securities Total shareholding as a percentage assuming full conversion of convertible securities Number of the locked-in-shares  Locked-in-shares as a percentage of total number of shares Pledged or encumbered - number of shares Pledged or encumbered shares held as percentage of total number of shares Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form Number of share under sub category one Number of share under sub category two Number of share under sub category three
Sr. Category & Name
of the
Nos. Of shareholders
No. of fully paid up equity shares held
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts
Total nos. shares
(VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)
As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi) No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants
(Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital)
(XI)= (VII)+(X)
As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Sub-categorization of shares
No of Voting (XIV)
Total as
a % of
Shareholding (No. of shares) under
Total No.
As a % of total Shares held
As a % of total Shares held
Sub-category (i) Sub-category (ii) Sub-category (iii)
A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
(a) Individuals/Hindu undivided Family 6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 IndHUF Individuals or Hindu undivided family [Member] IndHUF IndividualsOrHUFDomain DetailsSharesHeldByIndividualsOrHUFAxis
(b) Central  Government/ State Government(s)
CGAndSG Central government or State government(s) [Member] CGAndSG CentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentsAxis
(c) Financial  Institutions/ Banks
Banks Indian - financial institutions or banks [Member] Banks IndianFinancialInstitutionsOrBanksDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByIndianFinancialInstitutionsOrBanksAxis
(d) Any Other (specify)
OtherIND Other Indian shareholders [Member] OtherIND OthersIndianShareholdersDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOthersIndianShareholdersAxis
Sub-Total (A)(1)
6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 Indian [Member] Individuals NonResidentIndividualsOrForeignIndividualsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByNonResidentIndividualsOrForeignIndividualsAxis
(2) Foreign Government ForeignGovernmentDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignGovernmentAxis
(a) Individuals (NonResident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals)
Individuals Non-resident individuals or foreign individuals [Member] Institutions ForeignInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignInstitutionsAxis
(b) Government
Government Foreign - Government [Member] FPIPromoter ForeignPortfolioInvestorDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignPortfolioInvestorAxis
(c) Institutions
Institutions Foreign - institutions [Member] OtherForeign OtherForeignShareholdersDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherForeignShareholdersAxis
(d) Foreign Portfolio Investor
FPIPromoter Foreign portfolio investor [Member]
(e) Any Other (specify)
OtherForeign Other foreign shareholders [Member]
Sub-Total (A)(2)
Foreign [Member]
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 
6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 Shareholding of promoter and promoter group [Member]
Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Promoter & Promoter Group
B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder Note : Kindly show details of shareholders having more than one percentage of total no of shares. Please refer software manual. 
(1) Institutions (Domestic)
(a) Mutual Funds
MutuaFund Mutual funds or UTI [Member] MutuaFund MutualFundsOrUtiDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByMutualFundsOrUtiAxis
(b) Venture Capital Funds
VentureCap Venture capital funds [Member] VentureCap VentureCapitalFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByVentureCapitalFundsAxis
(c) Alternate Investment Funds
AIF Alternative investment funds [Member] AIF AlternativeInvestmentFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByAlternativeInvestmentFundsAxis
(d) Banks
Bank_Insti Banks [Member] Bank_Insti DetailsOfSharesHeldByBanksDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByBanksAxis
(e) Insurance  Companies
Insurance Insurance Companies [Member] Insurance InsuranceCompaniesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInsuranceCompaniesAxis
(f) Provident Funds/ Pension Funds
Pension Provident Funds or pension funds [Member] Pension ProvidentFundsOrPensionFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByProvidentFundsOrPensionFundsAxis
(g) Asset reconstruction companies
AssetReconstruct Asset reconstruction companies [Member] AssetReconstruct DetailsOfSharesHeldByAssetReconstructionCompaniesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByAssetReconstructionCompaniesAxis
(h) Sovereign Wealth Funds
Sovereign Wealth(Domestic) Sovereign wealth funds domestic [Member] Sovereign Wealth(Domestic) DetailsOfSharesHeldBySovereignWealthFundsDomesticDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldBySovereignWealthFundsDomesticAxis
(i) NBFCs registered with RBI
NBFC NBFCs registered with RBI [Member] NBFC NBFCsRegisteredWithRbiDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByNBFCsRegisteredWithRbiAxis
(j) Other Financial Institutions
Other Financial Institutions Other financial institutions [Member] Other Financial Institutions DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherFinancialInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherFinancialInstitutionsAxis
(k) Any Other (specify)
Other_Insti Other institutions domestic [Member] Other_Insti DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherInstitutionsDomesticDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherInstitutionsDomesticAxis
Sub-Total (B)(1)
Institutions domestic [Member]
(2) Institutions (Foreign)
(a) Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment Foreign direct investment [Member] Foreign Direct Investment DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignDirectInvestmentDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignDirectInvestmentAxis
(b) Foreign Venture Capital Investors
FVC Foreign venture capital investors [Member] FVC ForeignVentureCapitalInvestorsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignVentureCapitalInvestorsAxis
(c) Sovereign Wealth Funds
Sovereign Wealth(Foreign) Sovereign wealth funds foreign [Member] Sovereign Wealth(Foreign) DetailsOfSharesHeldBySovereignWealthFundsForeignDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldBySovereignWealthFundsForeignAxis
(d) Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I
FPI_Insti Institutions foreign portfolio investor catergory one [Member] FPI_Insti DetailsOfSharesHeldByInstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorOneDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorOneAxis
(e) Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II
Foreign Portfolio Category II Institutions foreign portfolio investor catergory two [Member] Foreign Portfolio Category II DetailsOfSharesHeldByInstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorTwoDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorTwoAxis
(f) Overseas Depositories (holding DRs) (balancing figure)
OD Overseas Depositories [Member] OD OverseasDepositoriesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOverseasDepositoriesAxis
(g) Any Other (specify)
Other_Insti (Foreign) Other institutions foreign [Member] Other_Insti (Foreign) DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherInstitutionsForeignDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherInstitutionsForeignAxis
Sub-Total (B)(2)
Institutions foreign [Member]
(3) Central Government / State Government(s)
(a) Central Government / President of India
CG&SG&PI Central government or president of india [Member] CG&SG&PI DetailsOfSharesHeldByCentralGovernmentOrPresidentOfIndiaDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCentralGovernmentOrPresidentOfIndiaAxis
(b) State Government / Governor
State Government_Governor State governments or governors [Member] State Government_Governor DetailsOfSharesHeldByStateGovernmentsOrGovernorsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByStateGovernmentsOrGovernorsAxis
(c) Shareholding by Companies or Bodies Corporate where Central / State Government is a promoter
Shareholding by Companies Shareholding by companies or bodies corporatewhere central or state government is promoter [Member] Shareholding by Companies DetailsOfSharesHeldByShareholdingByCompaniesOrBodiesCorporatewhereCentralOrStateGovernmentIsPromoterDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByShareholdingByCompaniesOrBodiesCorporatewhereCentralOrStateGovernmentIsPromoterAxis
Sub-Total (B)(3)
Goverments [Member]
(4) Non-institutions
(a) Associate companies / Subsidiaries
Associate companies_Subsidiar Associate companies or subsidiaries [Member] Associate companies_Subsidiar DetailsOfSharesHeldByAssociateCompaniesOrSubsidiariesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByAssociateCompaniesOrSubsidiariesAxis
(b) Directors and their relatives (excluding independent directors and nominee directors)
Directors and their relatives Directors and directors relatives [Member] Directors and their relatives DetailsOfSharesHeldByDirectorsAndDirectorsRelativesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByDirectorsAndDirectorsRelativesAxis
(c) Key Managerial Personnel
Key Managerial Personnel Key managerial personnel [Member] Key Managerial Personnel DetailsOfSharesHeldByKeyManagerialPersonnelDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByKeyManagerialPersonnelAxis
(d) Relatives of promoters (other than ‘immediate relatives’ of promoters disclosed under ‘Promoter and Promoter Group’ category)
Relatives of promoters Relatives of promoters other than promoter group [Member] Relatives of promoters DetailsOfSharesHeldByRelativesOfPromotersOtherThanPromoterGroupDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByRelativesOfPromotersOtherThanPromoterGroupAxis
(e) Trusts where any person belonging to 'Promoter and Promoter Group' category is 'trustee', 'beneficiary', or 'author of the trust'
Trusts where any person Trusts where any person belonging to promoter and promoter group isis trustee or beneficiary or author of trust [Member] Trusts where any person DetailsOfSharesHeldByTrustsWhereAnyPersonBelongingToPromoterAndPromoterGroupIsisTrusteeOrBeneficiaryOrAuthorOfTrustDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByTrustsWhereAnyPersonBelongingToPromoterAndPromoterGroupIsisTrusteeOrBeneficiaryOrAuthorOfTrustAxis
(f) Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)
Investor Education Investor education and protection fund [Member] Investor Education DetailsOfSharesHeldByInvestorEducationAndProtectionFundDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInvestorEducationAndProtectionFundAxis
(g) Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 128 121680 121680 1.16 121680 121680 1.16
121680 0 0 0 Indivisual(aI) Resident individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to rs two lakh [Member] Indivisual(aI) DetailsOfSharesHeldByResidentIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalUpToRsTwoLakhDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByResidentIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalUpToRsTwoLakhAxis
(h) Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 13 1785399 1785399 17.05 1785399 1785399 17.05
1785399 0 0 0 Indivisual(aII) Resident individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of rs two lakh [Member] Indivisual(aII) DetailsOfSharesHeldByResidentIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalInExcessOfRsTwoLakhDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByResidentIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalInExcessOfRsTwoLakhAxis
(i) Non Resident Indians (NRIs)
Non Resident Indians (NRIs) Non resident indians [Member] Non Resident Indians (NRIs) DetailsOfSharesHeldByNonResidentIndiansDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByNonResidentIndiansAxis
(j) Foreign Nationals
Foreign Nationals Foreign nationals [Member] Foreign Nationals DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignNationalsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignNationalsAxis
(k) Foreign Companies
Foreign Companies Foreign companies [Member] Foreign Companies DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignCompaniesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignCompaniesAxis
(l) Bodies Corporate 11 3930965 3930965 37.53 3930965 3930965 37.53
3930965 0 0 0 Bodies Corporate Bodies corporate [Member] Bodies Corporate DetailsOfSharesHeldByBodiesCorporateDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByBodiesCorporateAxis
(m) Any Other (specify) 10 1086556 1086556 10.37 1086556 1086556 10.37
1086556 0 0 0 Other_NonInsti Other non-institutions [Member] Other_NonInsti OtherNonInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherNonInstitutionsAxis
Sub-Total (B)(4)
162 6924600 6924600 66.11 6924600.00 6924600 66.11
6924600 0 0 0 Non-institutions [Member]
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)+(B)(4)
162 6924600 6924600 66.11 6924600 6924600 66.11
6924600 0 0 0 Public shareholding [Member]
Details of the shareholders acting as persons in Concert for Public
Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Public
C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
( 1 ) Custodian/DR  Holder - Name of DR Holders  (If Available)
DRHolder Custodian or DR holder [Member] DRHolder CustodianOrDRHolderDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCustodianOrDRHolderAxis
( 2 ) Employee Benefit Trust / Employee Welfare Trust under SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021
EBT Employee benefits trusts [Member] EBT EmployeeBenefitsTrustsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByEmployeeBenefitsTrustsAxis
Total NonPromoter- Non Public  Shareholding
(C)= (C)(1)+(C)(2)
Shares held by non-promoter non-public shareholders [Member]
Total ( A+B+C2 )
168 10473988
10473988 100.00 10473988.00
10473988 100.00
10473988 0 0 0
Total (A+B+C )
168 10473988
10473988 100.00 10473988.00
10473988 100.00
10473988 0 0 0 Shareholding pattern [Member]
Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern
Disclosure of notes in case of promoter holiding in dematerialsed form is less than 100 percentage
Disclosure of notes in case of public share holding is less than 25 percentage
Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern for company remarks explanatory