Number of shareholders Number of fully paid up equity shares Number of partly paid-up equity shares Number of shares underlying outstanding depository receipts Total number of shares Shareholding as a percentage of total number of shares held by promoters and public shareholders and custodians or DR holders Number of voting rights held by same class of securities Number of voting rights held by differential voting rights Total Number of voting rights Percentage of total number of voting rights Number of shares underlying outstanding convertible securities Number of warrant Number of warrant and convertible securities Total shareholding as a percentage assuming full conversion of convertible securities Number of the locked-in-shares  Locked-in-shares as a percentage of total number of shares Pledged or encumbered - number of shares Pledged or encumbered shares held as percentage of total number of shares Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Sr. Category & Name
of the
Nos. Of shareholders
No. of fully paid up equity shares held
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts
Total nos. shares
(VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)
As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi) No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants
(Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital)
(XI)= (VII)+(X)
As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
No of Voting (XIV)
Total as
a % of
Total No.
As a % of total Shares held
As a % of total Shares held
A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
(a) Individuals/Hindu undivided Family 6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 Individuals or Hindu undivided family [Member] IndHUF IndividualsOrHUFDomain DetailsSharesHeldByIndividualsOrHUFAxis
(b) Central  Government/ State Government(s)
Central government or State government(s) [Member] CGAndSG CentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentsAxis
(c) Financial  Institutions/ Banks
Indian - financial institutions or banks [Member] Banks IndianFinancialInstitutionsOrBanksDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByIndianFinancialInstitutionsOrBanksAxis
(d) Any Other (specify)
Other Indian shareholders [Member] OtherIND OthersIndianShareholdersDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOthersIndianShareholdersAxis
Sub-Total (A)(1)
6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 Indian [Member] Individuals NonResidentIndividualsOrForeignIndividualsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByNonResidentIndividualsOrForeignIndividualsAxis
(2) Foreign Government ForeignGovernmentDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignGovernmentAxis
(a) Individuals (NonResident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals)
Non-resident individuals or foreign individuals [Member] Institutions ForeignInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignInstitutionsAxis
(b) Government
Foreign - Government [Member] FPIPromoter ForeignPortfolioInvestorDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignPortfolioInvestorAxis
(c) Institutions
Foreign - institutions [Member] OtherForeign OtherForeignShareholdersDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherForeignShareholdersAxis
(d) Foreign Portfolio Investor
Foreign portfolio investor [Member] MutuaFund MutualFundsOrUtiDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByMutualFundsOrUtiAxis
(e) Any Other (specify)
Other foreign shareholders [Member] VentureCap VentureCapitalFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByVentureCapitalFundsAxis
Sub-Total (A)(2)
Foreign [Member] AIF AlternativeInvestmentFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByAlternativeInvestmentFundsAxis
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 
6 3549388 3549388 33.89 3549388.00 3549388 33.89 33.89
3549388 Shareholding of promoter and promoter group [Member] FVC ForeignVentureCapitalInvestorsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByForeignVentureCapitalInvestorsAxis
Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Promoter & Promoter Group FPI_Insti InstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInstitutionsForeignPortfolioInvestorAxis
B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder Note : Kindly show details of shareholders having more than one percentage of total no of shares. Please refer software manual.  Bank_Insti FinancialInstitutionOrBanksDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByFinancialInstitutionOrBanksAxis
(1) Institutions Insurance InsuranceCompaniesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByInsuranceCompaniesAxis
(a) Mutual Funds
Mutual funds or UTI [Member] Pension ProvidentFundsOrPensionFundsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByProvidentFundsOrPensionFundsAxis
(b) Venture Capital Funds
Venture capital funds [Member] Other_Insti OtherInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherInstitutionsAxis
(c) Alternate Investment Funds
Alternative investment funds [Member] CG&SG&PI CentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentSOrPresidentOfIndiaDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCentralGovernmentOrStateGovernmentSOrPresidentOfIndiaAxis
(d) Foreign Venture Capital Investors
Foreign venture capital investors [Member] Indivisual(aI) IndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalUpToRsTwoLakhDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalUpToRsTwoLakhAxis
(e) Foreign Portfolio Investors
Institutions - Foreign portfolio investor [Member] Indivisual(aII) IndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalInExcessOfRsTwoLakhDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByIndividualShareholdersHoldingNominalShareCapitalInExcessOfRsTwoLakhAxis
(f) Financial  Institutions/ Banks
Financial Institution or Banks [Member] NBFC NBFCsRegisteredWithRbiDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByNBFCsRegisteredWithRbiAxis
(g) Insurance  Companies
Insurance Companies [Member] EmpTrust EmployeeTrustsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByEmployeeTrustsAxis
(h) Provident Funds/ Pension Funds
Provident Funds or pension funds [Member] OD OverseasDepositoriesDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOverseasDepositoriesAxis
(i) Any Other (specify)
Other institutions [Member] Other_NonInsti OtherNonInstitutionsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByOtherNonInstitutionsAxis
Sub-Total (B)(1)
Institutions [Member] DRHolder CustodianOrDRHolderDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByCustodianOrDRHolderAxis
( 2 ) Central  Government/  State  Government(s)/ President of India
Central Government or State Government(s) or President of India [Member] EBT EmployeeBenefitsTrustsDomain DetailsOfSharesHeldByEmployeeBenefitsTrustsAxis
Sub-Total (B)(2)
Goverments [Member]
( 3 ) Non-institutions
(a(i)) Individuals - 
i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 
102 109798 109798 1.05 109798 109798 1.05
109798 Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs two lakh [Member]
(a(ii)) Individuals - 
ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.
12 927308 927308 8.85 927308 927308 8.85
927308 Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs two lakh [Member]
(b) NBFCs registered with RBI
NBFCs registered with RBI [Member]
(c) Employee Trusts
Employee Trusts [Member]
(d) Overseas Depositories (holding DRs) (balancing figure)
Overseas Depositories [Member]
(e) Any Other (specify) 20 5887494 5887494 56.21 5887494 5887494 56.21
5887494 Other non-institutions [Member]
Sub-Total (B)(3)
134 6924600 6924600 66.11 6924600.00 6924600 66.11
6924600 Non-institutions [Member]
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)
134 6924600 6924600 66.11 6924600.00 6924600 66.11
6924600 Public shareholding [Member]
Details of the shareholders acting as persons in Concert for Public
Details of Shares which remain unclaimed for Public
C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
( 1 ) Custodian/DR  Holder - Name of DR Holders  (If Available)
Custodian or DR holder [Member]
( 2 ) Employee Benefit Trust (under SEBI (Share based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014)
Employee benefits trusts [Member]
Total NonPromoter- Non Public  Shareholding
(C)= (C)(1)+(C)(2)
Shares held by non-promoter non-public shareholders [Member]
Total ( A+B+C2 )
140 10473988
10473988 100.00 10473988.00
10473988 100.00
Total (A+B+C )
140 10473988
10473988 100.00 10473988.00
10473988 100.00
10473988 Shareholding pattern [Member]
Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern
Disclosure of notes in case of promoter holiding in dematerialsed form is less than 100 percentage
Disclosure of notes in case of public share holding is less than 25 percentage
Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern for company remarks explanatory